The Island's Agenda

This theory was written by Jaystao for our Lost Theory Competition

The island is a naturally formed ecological computer that exists partly in the psychological spirit and also as a real place.

Eons ago, a cosmic event occurred (most probably the cataclysm caused by a comet striking the earth and layering part of the earth’s crust with cosmic radiation). The aftermath of this event was a ‘pocket’ of radio-active stardust that lay dormant in the earth’s crust, but contaminated magnetic materials causing strange fluctuations in the earth’s geo-magnetic field. Over time this attracted liquid iron from the earths mantle, which caused a volcanic vein to appear through the ‘pocket’; eventually erupting and creating an island in the mid Pacific, much like the geological particulars of how Hawaii was formed.

The cosmic irradiated material was distributed causing an atmospheric grid to appear around the island, still attracted to the pocket’s geo-magnetic pull (yet buoyant enough to remain air born). Some of the hybrid dust remained in the atmosphere, some remained on the island and within the lava vein. The high mineral content of the volcanic material, coupled with rain water and sulfuric acids, caused the material to crystallize (similar to how normal volcanic mineral deposits form crystal). These crystallized particles soon formed a complex ecological chain. The tiny fragments of dust-crystals in the atmospheric grid (perhaps seeded by repeated eruptions and forming from water vapor, ultra-violet light, electrolysis and cosmic radiation from the sun) helped to create a ‘holographic’ and sonic reverberating grid around the island with the crystal particles forming a reflective and unified field. Repeatedly renewed by cyclic conditions of the weather and solar influences they also attract rain vapor more readily then normal dust particles. In turn these enhanced particles fall to the earth as rain, thus reseeding the island with ‘solar enhanced’ crystal fragments.

Plants enhanced by this form of sustenance coupled with photosynthesis produce a naturally forming ozone gas around the island’s inner field. This gas acts as a ‘plasma’ field for an electrical current to flow (much like what is found in a plasma globe). It can also be breathed in by living organisms as well as imbibed. It is conductive and helps to create a magnetic ‘picture’ of a persons limbic system once a hybrid state is achieved.

The final hybrid state is a sentient creature able to tap into this ordered ‘matrix’ of the island – preferably in a dream state, in which the subconscious mind forms a relationship with the island’s ‘electro-magnetic’ template and imprints itself, like the blank slate of a magnetic strip (similar to a record player or CD).

Finally, the ISLAND has an agenda. Perhaps made complex by the various protagonists who at one time or another have ‘imprinted’ their collective minds and souls on to its template, but the agenda is simple – The will to escape its earthly confines and return to its solar origins. This overwhelming ‘urge’ or attraction is at the heart of whatever psychological and social particulars its various hosts and protagonists form.

– Jaystao

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14 Responses to The Island's Agenda

  1. Andreas says:

    I found this theory to be quite interesting, even if it is a bit advanced and complex.

    I like the plasma-field ideas and your elaborate explanations!

  2. Austin says:

    wow, that is rediculously trippy. i’m not exactly sure how lost would explain that, but hey, what do they explain these days. whats your opinion, if you believe this, on what thf or the others want with the island, or what they want to do with it?

  3. Lesley says:

    Wow… I really like the idea that the island itself may be “alive”. Nice theory Jaystao.

  4. VidGamer123 says:

    As someone who’s taken several electronics, chemistry, and geography classes, I find this theory simply fascinaing.

    Good Job!

  5. jaystao says:

    I’ve seriously considering detonating a thermo nucleur device into this theory. Seriously. If I found the remnants of a pseudo naturally forming geo-thermal EM (wyrd stuff) grid somewhere in the world, perhaps creating similar mysteries as the so called bermuda triangle (idea as supplied by a certain other), and realising that certain types of radioactive activity enhance this multi-fold – perhaps I would lower a nuclear type device deep in this vein and detonate it to create uniformity in the system – an underground facility would then be required to monitor the input/output of this radiation (look up french nuclear testing in the pacific to find out how a device might create unnatural geothermal activity on an island)……hmmmm

    Ps honoured to be apart of this. Thanks for the kudos but I’m probably wrong…..

  6. MasterPo says:

    That’s deep. Wierd too.

  7. Cerberus says:

    Love the theory!!! I REALLY like the idea that the island/smoke monsters’ agenda has evolved from the minds of all the people that have at one time or another come to the island.

    Also, your theory is scientifically based, and i’m sure the writers have always said that everything that’s happening on the island can be explained scientifically, even though it might be sci-fi in appearence.


  8. jaystao says:

    The problem is that the idea has been done before – not entirely realising this at the time but its quite a common sci-fi concoction – a strange ‘radiation’ or elemental composition is affecting the ecosystem – Smallville and its kryptonite enhanced mutants, Krakatoa of the X-men was a mutant island enhanced by nucleur fall out, the black oil in the X-files was the deus ex machina device creating most of the weirdos M and S were finding. I don’t know where LOST is going exactly but it would be nice if it incorperated some of the geographic and geological history of it’s locale into its theme – the biggest clue in regards to this being….
    “catch a falling star, and put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy day” (Clair to baby) which is what inspired much of the mythos in this theory.

  9. bigmouth says:

    Awesome job, jays! I tend to think you’re comet speculation is more plausible than a nuke (totally agree re Catch a Falling Star!) but I love it either way. How does the four-toed statue fit into the theory? Did some ancient civilization worship the Island?

  10. Matt says:

    Has everyone forgotten about the Hanso foundation? How does that tie into this theory? hello?

  11. Ron says:

    Darn interesting stuff, indeed.

    I have had this peculiar sense that I have seen this “monster” before on another series; it reminds me of “Skin of Evil” from “Star Trek: TNG.” In that episode, the inhabitants of a former culture found a way to DISTILL, or bring up, all that was evil in them, to the surface. In the episode, this evil essence was purged from the populace and left behind and formed this kind of moving oil glut on the ground, that could change form, drag Riker into it, spit him back out, kill, etc. The premise, was that it acted like an abandoned baby, with tremendous fury and anger at those who abandoned it. It did not want to be alone. This “skin” was tricked by the Captain and abandoned again, screaming out in torment as it was unable to re-join or leave the planet.

    The theory described in “The Island’s Agenda” hints of a similar circumstrance, albeit, from a far more scientific approach. I think the writers/producers have said the “island” has it’s own personality right from the get go, so this theory above does make some sense.

    So, Ecko is killed by this monster and yet John was not afraid of being pulled down into the ground by it; and why haven’t the others been attacked by this beast? Do they know something of “how and when” it attacks (so they may avoid it), or do they supply the “island/monster” with what it needs to survive? Has Ben and the others purged anger from themselves in a similar manner? Was Mr. Ecko being judged for what “the island” felt was being done to it, thus setting up the comment that John and the rest were “next?”

    If the island indeed does have an agenda, then one needs to ask oneself for the possible purpose. In my view, the ones who died were the most harmful to the island’a natural existence and the least harmful to other people.

    Who perished? All of those crewmen on the planes that apparently crashed into the island (harming the island). Then, all of those who never killed or QUIT killing (as far as we know so far). e.g. Pilots of both planes, their crews, Boone, Shannon, Libby, Anna Lucia, Mr. Ecko. Does the island judge these folks as hurting or starving it by not supplying violence? This might explain why Ben and all live OFF the island, if they indeed do.


  12. theOtherdave says:

    [quote comment=”16344″]Has everyone forgotten about the Hanso foundation? How does that tie into this theory? hello?[/quote]

    Maybe the Hanso Foundation discovered this earth anomoly and took full advantage.

    But then how would the very first builders and scientists be able to manipulate the island in order to see the construction and start testing without being influenced by the island itself?

  13. amber13 says:

    [quote comment=”16257″]The problem is that the idea has been done before – not entirely realising this at the time but its quite a common sci-fi concoction – a strange ‘radiation’ or elemental composition is affecting the ecosystem – Smallville and its kryptonite enhanced mutants, Krakatoa of the X-men was a mutant island enhanced by nucleur fall out, the black oil in the X-files was the deus ex machina device creating most of the weirdos M and S were finding. I don’t know where LOST is going exactly but it would be nice if it incorperated some of the geographic and geological history of it’s locale into its theme – the biggest clue in regards to this being….
    “catch a falling star, and put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy day” (Clair to baby) which is what inspired much of the mythos in this theory.[/quote]

    yes! to the idea that the island is itself alive!!!
    but to compare Lost to Smallville???? cm’on really. ?!?!!
    think a little deeper, please

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